woensdag 23 juni 2010

New Indie Film Coming from Texas: Hellstorm

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New Indie Film Coming from Texas - HellstormJesse Kozel, one of the producers and stars of the upcoming indie film Hellstorm, dropped us a line with casting updates and some other preliminary information on the flick, which begins filming in Galveston, Texas, this November.

Kozel tells us, "We have recently signed Kane Hodder (pictured) as our lead and have an amazing cast of actors in our film. Also brother-sister duo Phil and Melissa Nichols' Facades FX is our effects team on this horror film." Hodder and Kozel's co-stars will be Debbie Rochon, Devanny Pinn, Natacha Izel, Sage Hall, Tara Cardinal, Jesse Kozel, Scarlet Salem, Shelby Stehlin, Travis Kerschen, Regan Deal, and Kevin "Special K" England from radio station 104.1 KRBE in Houston.

The project's writer/director/co-producer is Keith Smith. The third co-producer is Annette VerHoeven, and Hunter Ontiveros is Hellstorm's musical supervisor/director with 2 Dollar Sound the first artist to be chosen for the soundtrack.

A group of architectural students, their professor and chaperone, are trapped in an abandoned building during a freak storm. Soon they encounter something much more terrifying than the storm itself.

Check out the film's preliminary artwork below, and then be sure to visit the official Epiphany Filmwerks site and the Hellstorm Facebook page, where you'll find a big batch of cast and crew photos.

New Indie Film Coming from Texas: Hellstorm

- Debi Moore

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Uncle Creepy 23 Jun, 2010

Source: http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/38175/new-indie-film-coming-texas-hellstorm
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