woensdag 23 juni 2010

M. Night Shyamalan Bringing us Twelve Strangers and New Secret Project with Bruce Willis

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M. Night Shyamalan Bringing us Twelve Strangers and New Secret Project with Bruce WillisM. Night Shyamalan movies are a mixed bag. They've ranged from good (The Sixth Sense), to descent (Signs) to downright awful (The Happening), but were still rooting for the guy.

According to Deadline New York for the second feature to be made through his genre producing banner The Night Chronicles (the first one being Devil which is in theatres next year), Shyamalan has tapped Chris Sparling (Buried) to write Twelve Strangers, a thriller that involves a jury deliberating a case involving the supernatural.

In addition to that M. Knight also has a secret project in the works in which Bradley Cooper, Bruce Willis and Gwyneth Paltrow are all loosely attached to. Details have been sketchy but Deadline reveals that in the yet to be titled movie "Bradley Cooper would play a father on a desperate search for his missing child. It might stray into Taken terrain, but the father taps into some supernatural powers to aid the search."

Look for more on both of these flick as soon as we get it.

- Uncle Creepy

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Uncle Creepy 23 Jun, 2010

Source: http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/38177/m-night-shyamalan-bringing-us-twelve-strangers-and-new-secret-project-with-bruce-willis
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