woensdag 18 augustus 2010

Bloody-Disgusting Horror Reviews

Bloody-Disgusting Horror Reviews

Vampires Suck


"Ultimately, the most insulting thing about the film is that it was made, and made so poorly. You'd think mocking the Twi-films would be like shooting fish in a barrel, but Friedberg/Seltzer completely failed to mine the material for anything even approaching quality satire (the jokes are so predictable I actually called out a punchline 30 seconds before it occurred at one point)." Score: 2 / 10

Sea of Dust (V)


"The gore is well executed, gross, vile and in-your-face -- just like it should be. Gore hounds will be pleasantly surprised by the sheer amount of excess. Whether someone is taking a pitchfork to the face or an axe through the chest, the film remains bloody throughout." Score: 6 / 10

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