woensdag 23 juni 2010

Reminder! Vote for Your Favorite FrightFest Trailer NOW!

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If you haven't done so already, you need to make your voice heard as there are eight indie filmmakers out there who are depending on you to allow them to give you the goods! It only takes a second, people. We need to spread the red as much as possible.

The Fangoria FrightFest was born out of a partnership with Lightning Media to distribute independent horror films via DVD, Video on Demand and Digital Download. They'll be bringing us some wicked titles such as Pig Hunt, Fragile, Grimm Love, Dark House, Hunger, Road Kill, The Haunting and The Tomb.

If you stop by the official FrightFest site, you'll have the opportunity to check out film trailers and other extra material while casting a vote for your favorite film. The winning flick will then go on to receive a big-screen theatrical release in July!

To vote just click on the image below.

Reminder! Vote for Your Favorite FrightFest Trailer NOW!

- Uncle Creepy

Got news? Click here to submit it!
Have a festival of fright in the Dread Central forums!

Uncle Creepy 23 Jun, 2010

Source: http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/38163/reminder-vote-your-favorite-frightfest-trailer-now
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