vrijdag 2 juli 2010

Film4 Fright Fest '10: The Dead Rot

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Another movie making its debut at the Film4 FrightFest is the new African zombie flick The Dead from co-directors Howard J. Ford and Jonathan Ford. Why are we so excited? Do we really need to say more than African zombies? Get ready to dig upon a new still of a creature that's definitely seen better days!

An American mercenary, the sole survivor of a plane crash, has to run the gauntlet across Africa, battling with the living dead. Joining forces with a local military man, desperately searching for his son amongst the chaos, they fight together to survive in the first zombie road movie set against the stunning backdrop of Africa.

Shot on locations in Burkina Faso and Ghana, West Africa.

Look for the film to play at the festival on Monday August 31st, at 1:15pm.

Film4 Fright Fest '10: The Dead Rot

- Uncle Creepy

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Uncle Creepy 03 Jul, 2010

Source: http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/38343/film4-fright-fest-10-the-dead-rot
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