It's hard to believe that just four years ago we were nothing more than a splash page placeholder with the promise that "The Dread Shall Rise", and rise we did. Not on our own though. If we stand tall at all, it's because we stand on the shoulders of you guys, our readers.
This is gonna be a little on the self-indulgent side so please bear with me.
We've been through a whole lot together. From working at different websites to enduring what amounted to a volcanic Internet eruption to living for this moment ... right now ... this second as we officially turn four years old on July 4th.
One person I would be completely remiss in not mentioning is our brother Johnny Butane, who helped start all of this madness you see before you. He will always be missed -- and for those curious the last we heard, he was doing just fine.
I need to give a special shout out to our unsung heroes and my partners whom you may not see; Jon Condit and KW Low have kept us running and looking sexy, and for that I'm eternally grateful. The two of them really deserve the lion's share of the thanks for us being here today.
Staff may have come and gone over the years, but everyone who ever lifted a finger to help us in any way has been nothing short of vital to our success, including our newest bits of blood who tirelessly wave the Dread Central flag: Matt Fini, Sean Decker, Heather Wixson, Brian Smith, Elaine Lamkin, Gareth Jones, Chris Haberman, Erik Van Der Wolf, Sean Smithson, Heather Buckley, and Crix Lee. You guys rock more than words can say. We love your passion and enthusiasm and hope that you'll be part of the family for some time to come.
I'd also like to give special praise to those who were with us from the beginning and will most likely be with us until this whole shithouse goes up in flames: Nomad, Foy, Morgan, Andrew Kasch, Scott Johnson, Mr. Dark, Emilie Noetzel, and Buz Wallick ... to say you guys (and gals) are family is a complete understatement. We've laughed, cried, sweat, and bled together. Dread Central would be absolutely nowhere without you all. You embody the word loyalty, and in this day and age that's a quality that is seldom found.
Then there's Debi Moore, our own Woman in Black. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me the space to try and make this dream come true. I love you so very much and will until my last breath.
And finally there's you ... the reader. Sometimes our relationship with you is akin to being locked in an MMA fight that just never ends. That's okay though because when you do complain, it's only out of passion and love for this genre, and we could never fault you for that. There's no question each and every one of you are our biggest asset. You allow us to do what we do and be who we have become, and that's something each of us here at Dread Central could never thank you enough for.
Much love, guys! Thanks for four great years, and here's to many more to come. Rock and roll, baby ...
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