dinsdag 2 november 2010

We have lists with emails for doctors, lawyers, businesses and many more

Pricing for this week only: ANY 1 list $99 or 3 for $249. Choose from the lists below:


- Doctors (34 different specialties)
- Chiropractors
- Alternative Medicine
- Dentists
- Veterinarians
- Hospitals
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Physical Therapists
- Oncology Doctors
- US Surgery Centers
- Massage Therapists
- Acupuncturists
- Medical Equipment Suppliers
- Mental Health Counselors
- Psychologists


- Real Estate Agents
- US New Business Database
- Financial Planners Database
- Finance and Money Professionals Database


- USA Lawyers Database
- Criminal Attorneys - 142,906

email me here for counts & samples: routetosuccess@gmx.com

to adjust your subscription status email to purgefile@gmx.com

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